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Merger FAQ

We’re pleased to announce that we are starting a programme of work to explore how to merge Melin Homes and Newport City Homes into a new organisation.

We are writing to all our residents with news of how they can have their say on proposed merger plans and how they think the new organisation may look. We appreciate that people may have further questions and have tried to answer some of them here in these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Melin and Newport City Homes logos side by side
If you have a question about the merger that isn’t answered here please email

General merger questions

  1. Why are you merging?
    Housing associations are under increasing pressure to do more, often with less. Challenges such as rising inflation, increased price of materials, the cost-of-living crisis and increased legislation bringing additional responsibilities, including The Renting Homes Act and Building Safety Act. Longer-term, the merger will give us more funding for repairs, maintenance, services and the communities you live in.
  2. What are the benefits for me?
    The merged organisation will give us better buying power, and a greater capacity to improve services and maintain homes. It will also help us better address housing need by giving us the ability to build more new homes and increase investment in existing homes and result in a more effective and resilient operating model.
  3. Who are Newport City Homes (NCH)?
    Newport City Homes are a housing association created following a stock transfer from Newport City Council in 2009. They operate within the local authority boundary of Newport, with around 10,000 homes.
  4. Will I have a vote?
    No. The final decision on whether we merge will be taken by our Boards and approved by our regulators and lenders. It is important to Melin, Newport City Homes and Welsh Government that the views of our residents / tenants are taken into consideration before a final decision is reached. You will be able to have your say on what is important for you in the new organisation, and the services it provides for you, your home and your community.
  5. How can I have my say?
    You will be able to apply for a place on the joint customer panel, including customers and residents from both Melin & Newport City Homes, to be part of a focus group of resident representatives who will make sure feedback is heard before a final decision is taken, and that your voices are embedded into the new organisation. Or if you can’t, or don’t want to commit that much time you will be given the opportunity to have your say via surveys, attending one of the many events taking place in your community, or you can call your Independent Tenant Advisor, Keith Edwards on 07949 443039 or email ITA@Promo.Cymru
  6. When is it going to happen?
    Merger talks began in November last year, and the aim is to complete by Spring 2025. We are comparing our positions and services as individuals to see what we do differently, what we do well and where improvements can be made. We have an engagement plan to consider views of our residents and have employed a branding agency to help us (alongside residents) decide on a new name and logo. A full business plan is being drafted for boards and lenders to consider and approve. There is a lot to do in preparation for merger, but our aim is to complete by Spring 2025.
  7. Why is it taking so long?
    There is a lot to do in preparation for joining the two associations, creating a new business plan, making sure that we give residents the time and the opportunity to have their say, and there will be changes that continue once the new organisation is created, as we merge technology systems, staff, offices etc. However, it is all being done with the aim that the merger will give us the ability to maintain your homes to the highest standards, provide services that suit the needs of our residents and communities and build more new homes to meet the ever-increasing demand for housing.
  8. What impact will it have on services I currently receive?
    As merger discussions progress you shouldn’t notice any change to the services you receive. It is business as usual. The top priority for both associations is to deliver great services and homes - and to keep improving on this. The merger won’t distract us from focusing on this. Longer-term, the merger will give us more funding for repairs, maintenance, services and the communities you live in.
  9. Will it affect my contract?
    No you will still have the same lease, or occupation contract and this doesn’t affect your right to live in your home.
  10. Will it affect my rent/rent increase?
    Rents will not increase as a result of merger. Our rents are set using the Joseph Rowntree Living Rents Model which states that rent should be no more than 28% of a resident’s’ income and we will continue with this process in in 2025/26 . More information about rent setting is available on our website Resident consultation feedback | Melin Homes Any changes we make to the amount of rent you are charged is guided by these principles. Both Melin and Newport City Homes have adopted the same method of assessing rent affordability.
  11. Will my neighbourhood manager / scheme manager change?
    No, this will not change as a result of the merger but your Neighbourhood Officer or Scheme Manager may change because of normal staff turnover or a review of areas being managed.
  12. Is the merger already decided and completed?
    The final decision on whether we merge will be taken by our Boards and approved by our regulators and lenders. You will be able to have your say on what is important for you in the new organisation, and the services it provides for you, your home and your community. We plan to complete the merger in Spring 2025.
  13. Can I get involved / have my say?
    Yes. We want to hear your views. You can apply for a place on the joint customer panel to be part of a group of resident representatives who will make sure feedback is heard and embedded into the new organisation. Or if you can’t, or don’t want to commit that much time you will be given the opportunity to have your say via surveys, attending one of the events being held across our communities, or you can call your Independent Tenant Advisor, Keith Edwards on 07949 443039 or email ITA@Promo.Cymru
  14. Will repairs or planned work be delayed because of the merger?
    As merger discussions progress you shouldn’t notice any change to the services you receive. It is business as usual. The top priority for both associations is to deliver great services and homes - and to keep improving on this. The merger won’t distract us from focusing on this. Longer-term, the merger will give us more funding for repairs, maintenance, services and the communities you live in.
  15. Will it be easier for me to move now?
    In Newport homes for both Melin & NCH are allocated through the Home Options Common Housing Register, and these arrangements will continue post-merger. One of the benefits of the merger will be to increase the number of new homes that we build, which will help ease the pressure on existing waiting lists for housing.
  16. Will the merger affect my mutual exchange/right to transfer?
    The ‘right to transfer’ as it’s now known is a right that is enshrined within the new Renting Homes Act legislation, and the merger will not affect this right.

Joint Customer Panel (JCP) questions

  1. What is the role of the JCP?
    It’s a joint panel of customers and residents of Melin & NCH who can make sure all voices are heard, check that we’re doing the right thing for our communities and influence decisions. Members will play a key role in influencing the merger process from a customer perspective and ensure that customer views are at the heart of all decision-making processes.

    If you are passionate about your community and about supporting people to have their say, then this is a great way to have a real influence in how homes and communities are managed across South-east Wales.
  2. How many customers are you looking for?
    The panel will be formed of 12 customers and residents. Four of the places have been filled by existing engaged customers and residents of Melin & NCH, and have already played a key role in selecting and appointing the Independent Tenant Advisor and the CEO designate of the new organisation. We are looking to fill the remaining eight places.
  3. Why are you only looking for 12 people to be part of JCP?
    We want you to have the chance to tell us what’s important to you. There are lots of different ways to do this, through surveys and engagement events in your communities. A panel of 12 people allows us to have diverse and varied representation for residents and customers while still being able to hold meetings where each person has time and space to have their voice heard.
  4. Why can’t more customers be on your panel?
    With a panel of more than 12, it becomes more difficult to allow each person time to have their views heard. There are lots of different ways to get involved though, with surveys and engagement events in your communities. We want to give you all the chance to tell us what’s important to you.
  5. What skills or experience do you need?
    1. Enthusiasm and commitment.
    2. A team player – working with others in the team to achieve goals.
    3. Ability to access Zoom or Microsoft Teams for on-line meetings.
    4. Respect for other people, even when their views and opinions may be different from your own.
    5. A willingness to talk about solutions and contribute ideas.
    6. Ability to be objective, open, and honest and to respect confidentiality.
    7. Ability to understand and question issues and information presented in reports.

      Training and/or mentoring will be provided in all aspects of the work you will undertake, so you don’t need to worry if you don’t have all these skills or attributes at the moment – willingness and an ability to learn is more important.

      It’s never too late to learn new skills, which could help in everyday life or for future employment opportunities. It also provides great social and networking opportunities.
  6. What time commitment is needed?
    You will need to attend meetings (two to three hours per week), training and planning sessions, and read documents in preparation for meetings.
  7. I work full time so will need to meet after work, can I still apply?
    Yes you can still apply, we will be as flexible as we can with meeting dates and times.
  8. Where will the meetings take place?
    In person meetings will take place at either Melin or NCH’s offices.
  9. Are the meetings in person or on-line?
    Meetings will take place in person where possible, but also virtually through Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
  10. What support will I get to attend – i.e. child care, access to wifi, taxis etc.?
    There are real benefits to becoming part of the Joint Customer Panel.

    Both Melin & NCH customers will receive up to a £15 Wi-Fi remuneration for your involvement in the panel, along with any reasonable expenses, to ensure you can access meetings virtually as well as in person.

    You will have access to excellent training in areas including communicating, interviewing, persuading and influencing people, negotiating skills and assertiveness.

    We’ll be team building and looking at Housing in a wider context as well as learning about the current challenges facing customers, the national context and why that’s important to customers locally.
  11. How do I apply?
    You will need to attend a meeting along with other interested customers and residents, where you can find out more about the role and decide if it’s right for you.

    The meeting will take place at Newport City Homes Office at Nexus House, on Thursday 23 May 2024. You have a choice of sessions to attend:
    10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    If you are not available for any of these dates or times, we will set some additional dates.
  12. What’s the selection process?
    Following the meeting on 23 May, if residents are still interested in getting involved, they will be asked to complete a short expression of interest, setting out why they want to join the panel and what they can bring to the role.

    If there are more customers and residents than places available, then there will be a simple selection process, supported by the Independent Tenant Advisor. More information on this will be provided at the meeting on 23 May.

Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA) questions

  1. What’s the role of the Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA)?
    The Independent Tenant Advisor will be on hand to guide all residents through the merger process. They will speak to as many people as possible so you can have your say on how the new organisation should benefit you.
  2. How can they be independent if you pay them?
    The role is paid to ensure the advisor has the right knowledge and experience to help you through the merger process. They are not a part of Melin or Newport City Homes, which means they can be neutral and unbiased. Their purpose is to support you and help make sure all voices are heard. Appointing an ITA to support customers and residents through a merger process is deemed best practice by TPAS (Tenant Participatory Advisory Service).
  3. Will I be able to talk to them in confidence, without my landlord knowing?
    Yes. The advisor will feedback your views in themes and tell us what’s important to you, but it’s all confidential and your opinions will be anonymous if you prefer.
  4. How can I contact the ITA?
    You can call your Independent Tenant Advisor Keith Edwards on 07949 443039 or email ITA@Promo.Cymru.

Questions about the survey that came with my letter/email

  1. What’s the survey for, what will you do with it?
    The survey gives you a chance to tell us what services are important to you, when the new organisation is formed. You can tell us what your priorities are, what you want to keep and what you want to change. We’ll share the results of this survey with you, and we’ll use what you tell us to develop a customer promise document so you know what to expect from us throughout this change. We will keep you updated on our progress.
  2. How can I complete it?
    If you’ve chosen to hear from us by email, we sent you a link to the survey. If you prefer your letters in the post, we sent you a paper version that you can fill in and send back to us using the freepost envelope provided.
  3. What’s the deadline to respond?
    The survey closes on 10th May, but we have ongoing engagement events throughout the summer so if you miss this one, there will be plenty more ways to have your say.
  4. I’ve lost my letter, can I have a copy?
    Of course. Let us know if you need another copy and we can send one out to you. Give us a call on 01495 745910, or email
  5. Will you share the results?
    We’ll share the results of this survey with you, and we’ll use what you tell us to develop a customer promise document so you know what to expect from us throughout this change. We will keep you updated on our progress.

Customer promise questions

  1. What’s the customer promise, what does it mean for me?
    This is a document that will outline the benefits of the merger, with a clear commitment to the way services will be delivered by the new organisation. It will be formed using your views from the surveys and engagement events, that tell us what’s most important to you.
  2. How do we know that you’ll do what you say you’ll do?
    Residents on the Joint Customer Panel will be holding us to account and making sure that we deliver on our promises. The JCP role will continue to be important post-merger, and will be embedded within the internal governance process of the new organisation.
  3. What’s the point in asking us for our views, it’s a done deal already?
    You will be able to have your say on what is important for you in the new organisation, and the services it provides for you, your home and your community. It’s your chance to help shape the services provided by the new organisation. Both Melin and NCH are committed to adopting best practice in customer engagement before, during and after the merger.